Changing the default datasource
1. Initial Configuration
MidVision’s Application Release Automation tool, RapidDeploy, comes initially configured to run in Tomcat, using an internal DataSource connection. This connection is flexible and allows you to set a number of parameters. You can change the database connection settings in the${MV_HOME}/bin/
file. The example stanza is given here:
#--------------------------------- # HSQL Database #--------------------------------- rapiddeploy.datasource.username=sa rapiddeploy.datasource.password=sa rapiddeploy.datasource.url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/rapiddeploydb rapiddeploy.datasource.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect rapiddeploy.datasource.classname=org.hsqldb.jdbc.pool.JDBCXADataSource rapiddeploy.datasource.url.key=url rapiddeploy.datasource.schema=sa rapiddeploy.quartz.driverDelegateClass=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.HSQLDBDelegate #--------------------------------- # JNDI settings #--------------------------------- rapiddeploy.datasource.context.filename=applicationContext-non-jndi-data-source.xml #rapiddeploy.datasource.context.filename=applicationContext-jndi-data-source.xml configure the connection pool settings in the file referred to by the rapiddeploy.datasource.context.filename property. This property refers to the file to use in the RapidDeploy WEB-INF directory. In the default case it is:
2. Using JNDI for Container Managed DataSource
We now need to configure the application to point to the database. There are two ways you can connect to the application database: direct (which is the default) or via JNDI from the application container data source connection. Properties are used to define which data source definition is used in the application. There are three files which configure the data source connections, two are a standard data source definitions and the other is a JNDI definition. All the files are located at${MV_HOME}/web-apps/tomcat/webapps/MidVision/WEB-INF
. To determine which file to load you need to add one of these properties to your ${MV_HOME}/bin/
For direct connections and those in the initial configuration described above, use this property value:
rapiddeploy.datasource.context.filename=applicationContext-non-jndi-db2-data-source.xmlIf you use a direct data source connection and want to change the default HSQL database to use an Oracle database then change the following properties in your
rapiddeploy.datasource.username= rapiddeploy.datasource.password= rapiddeploy.datasource.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe rapiddeploy.datasource.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect rapiddeploy.datasource.classname=oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource rapiddeploy.datasource.url.key=URL rapiddeploy.quartz.driverDelegateClass=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate