Download and install plugins into RapidDeploy

RapidDeploy is designed to allow new functionality and capabilities to be provided by installing plugins. Plugins are most commonly used to provide support for target system that are managed by RapidDeploy – so a WebSphere, Docker or WebLogic Plugin would need to be installed if you wanted to manage these systems. Plugins also provide the framework for all other integrations – whether thats RD connecting to Jenkins, Git or Nexus – or connecting to a remote system via an Agent, SSH or a Web Service.
RapidDeploy comes with many plugins pre-installed. However, if you don’t see the technology or task you want, you might need to install some additional plugins. In this case, use one of the procedures detailed below.
1. If your RapidDeploy server has an internet connection.
The following steps enable you to download and install plugins in RapidDeploy.
- Navigate to the plugin management page in RapidDeploy ‘System Icon’ -> ‘Plugin Manager -> ‘Available Plugins/Patches’ tab.
- Enter search criteria for the name and version you require.
- Click the ‘Install’ button to the right hand side of the selected row.
- Reenter your password.
- The plugin is installed. This should happen very quickly, and can be viewed on the running jobs panel, or if completed you can see the log of the install on ‘Jobs’ -> ‘Previous Jobs’ -> ‘Other Jobs’ tab.
- Note that RapidDeploy needs to be restarted for the plugin to take effect.
2. If your RapidDeploy server does not have an internet connection.
The following steps enable you to download and install plugins in RapidDeploy.
- Manually download RapidDeploy plugins to your desktop from (you will need to ask MidVision for a password)
- Navigate to your server definition in RapidDeploy ‘System Icon’ -> ‘Plugin Manager -> ‘Available Plugins/Patches’ tab.
- You will see a ‘No Internet Connection’ message.
- Click the ‘Upload Plugin’ button at the bottom of the page.
- Reenter your password.
- The plugin is installed. This should happen very quickly, and can be viewed on the running jobs panel, or if completed you can see the log of the install on ‘Jobs’ -> ‘Previous Jobs’ -> ‘Other Jobs’ tab.
- Note that RapidDeploy needs to be restarted for the plugin to take effect.