RD project to configure JBoss AS7

Project overview

This project is designed to configure JBoss Enterprise Application Platform using RapidDeploy. Here is a summary of what this project will achieve.

The server in the project is Linux.

The project is preconfigured with one target server.


  • A remote Linux server with firewall configuration that allow connection from the machine when RapidDeploy instance is installed (for testing purposes we suggest to turn the firewall off).
  • Java JRE 1.6 (for JBoss AS7) and JRE 1.8 (for RapidDeploy) are installed on the server preferably by using  JBoss Installation using RapidDeploy
  • JBoss AS7 is installed on target server preferably by using  JBoss Installation using RapidDeploy

What is preconfigured and demonstrated.

The project demonstrates the following configurations:
  • One target server for Linux. The user will need to configure the actual hostname for this logical server definition, and any SSH credentials such as username, password or key/pem file.
  • JBoss command file used to configure JBoss installation is included in the project files (add_sizerotating_log.cli).
  • StartServerTask task to start JBoss server if it is not started  (see the task specification)
  • ExecuteCommandsTask task to execute command file (in this example we are changing log settings  (see the task specification)

How to use this project.

  1. Download the project to your desktop by clicking on one of the links. The file will be saved as JBOSS_AS_7_CONFIGURE_LOG_SETTINGS.zip
  2. Log into your RapidDeploy instance as mvadmin.
  3. Navigate to Resources -> Projects.
  4. In the top right hand corner click on the Upload Project button.
  5. Select the zip file you downloaded in step 1.
  6. You are guided through a project import wizard. You can normally accept the defaults.
  7. Once the project is imported, there are a couple of things you’ll need to do.
    • Firstly, you will need to change the server configuration. In order to do that navigate to  Resources  -> Targets -> Servers and find  JBoss-Server   (this is the name we used in our sample project). Edit this server – put correct Hostname then navigate to Transport tab and check if it is possible to connect to your remote Linux server by clicking Test Connection.
      Note that Successful connection is mandatory to go further!
    • Secondly, in the uploaded project, you will need to change the data dictionary properties for your installation. Navigate to Resources -> Projects select the JBOSS_AS_7_CONFIGURE_LOG_SETTINGS project and on the  Orchestration   tab, select the Data Dictionary sub-tab. Review and change entries as required, and save the project.
    • You need to create deployment package for the project . Go to the  Packages tab, click  Create Package button.
  8. Now you can run a new job to the environment of your choice.
    • Select the Play button next to the target.
    • Select the package you want to deploy from the droplist.
    • Since there is only one package, it is preselected. The latest package will always be preselected by default.
    • Click on the  Yes  button in this dialog.
    • The deployment is started and you are taken to the running jobs panel where you see the tasks executed and job log in real time.Navigate to Project -> Targets Tab.
  9. Verify install:
    • Navigate to http://[your-ip]/:8080 and from here use the link to access the admin console on port 9990 with the username/password you set in the RapidDeploy Data Dictionary.
    • Click ‘Profile‘ (top right)  and then from the left hand menu select 'Core' -> 'Logging'  to see the logging attributes you just set.