Configure Logging Levels

Configure RapidDeploy for your preferred logging level

1. log4j

The RapidDeploy framework, agent and orchestration services all use log4j as the logging framework. RapidDeploy supports a number of logging levels and are listed as follows from most severe to least severe. When a logging level is set, all the levels above that level are active. Therefore setting INFO will mean all Warning, Error and Fatal conditions are reported.
  • FATAL – The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will lead the application to abort. For example a FATAL error on a RapidDeploy deployment job indicates that the job has failed.
  • ERROR – The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running. For example an ERROR level log entry on a RapidDeploy deployment job indicates that the individual task has failed. This may result in the entire job failing if the task is set to failOnError, otherwise the task will be marked as a fail but the job will continue to the next task.
  • WARN – The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.
  • INFO – The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. These messages are part of normal log output.
  • DEBUG – The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application. This level is likely to be set to “on” for deployments. These messages are part of normal log output.

2. Setting logging for the framework server

The default log level for the RapidDeploy framework server is set to ‘INFO’. In order to debug any issues, you can change this by editing the ${MV_HOME}/web-apps/tomcat/webapps/MidVision/WEB-INF/classes/ file. You can change any of the logging levels in the file, but to enable logging for all RapidDeploy classes, you edit the following section, which can be changed (e.g. to DEBUG) as required:  
                    ## MidVision Log levels

3. Setting logging for each orchestration job

This type of logging can be configured under the  ‘Resources’ -> ‘Projects’ -> [PROJECT] -> ‘Orchestration’ -> ‘Settings’   tab. Select your preferred log level from the droplist, and save the project. Any future jobs run for this project will use the log level you specified in the job log output.

4. Setting logging for an agent

You set the logging level for the agent in the remoting directory. You will see  a file, which can be edited according to your requirements. To globally enable DEBUG log levels, edit the following line and change from INFO to DEBUG:
                    # Set the root logger to info - output to the agent logfile
                    log4j.rootLogger=INFO, logfile