RapidDeploy Command Line

Accessing the Command Line Interface (CLI)

The command line interface can be accessed via the ‘rd’ command. The ‘rd’ executable is in the RapidDeploy ‘bin’ directory. You can use this command in the following ways:

  • Add the RapidDeploy ‘bin’ folder to the PATH variable on your server allowing access from anywhere:
    export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/midvision/bin
  • Copy the ‘rd’ file into the ‘/usr/bin’ directory or similar folder that is already on your server path allowing access from anywhere:
    cd /usr/midvision/bin
    cp -p rd /usr/bin
  • Use the file directly, e.g.:


Before using the command line interface, you will need to log-in.

rd login

Available Commands

Typing ‘rd’ without any arguments will show a list of available commands.

Command line interface for the RapidDeploy tool.

  rd [command]

Available Commands:
  deploy            Deploys a RapidDeploy project to a specified target.
  help              Help about any command
  listInstallations Lists the available installations for a server in RapidDeploy.
  listJobPlans      Lists the available job plans in RapidDeploy.
  listProjects      Lists the available projects in RapidDeploy.
  listServers       Lists the available servers in RapidDeploy.
  listTargets       Lists the available targets for a project in RapidDeploy.
  login             Creates a session with a RapidDeploy server.
  logout            Finishes the session with the RapidDeploy server.
  startJobPlan      Starts a RapidDeploy job plan.
  status            Checks if a login session is established.

  -d, --debug   Shows debugging information.
  -h, --help    help for rd

Use "rd [command] --help" for more information about a command.