An IBM project to configure existing Queue Manager in IBM MQ on a target server

Project overview

Here is a summary of what this project will achieve.

This project is designed to configure Queue Manager on existing installation of IBM WebSpehere Message Queue using RapidDeploy.

The server in the project is Windows. It can be cloned to Linux if required.

The project is preconfigured with one target environment.

Specific application configuration items can be changed between environments, by use of Data Dictionary items.

On MidVision documentation you can find more information and step by step tutorial how to create this project.


  • A remote Windows server with firewall configuration that allow connection from the machine when RapidDeploy instance is installed (for testing purposes we suggest to turn the firewall off).
  • RapidDeploy Agent should be downloaded and running on a remote Windows server
  • You should have IBM MQ already installed on your remote server (follow this tutorial to install IBM MQ)
  • You should have Queue Manager created (follow this tutorial to create it using RapidDeploy)
  • IBM MQ installation is based on tasks that are included in rapiddeploy-core-plugins-prd-ibm-wmq.jarrapiddeploy-ext-wmq-jar-3.5.18.jar   – so make sure these jars are in your RapidDeploy agent  lib   folder or they are added to your project classpath
  • Make sure you have correct values in your hosts file (
  • You will need the IBM MQ blueprint downloaded to your desktop:

What is preconfigured and demonstrated

The project demonstrates the following configurations:
  • One target server for Windows. The user will need to configure the actual hostname for this logical server definition.
  • Use of the RapidDeploy agent. If deploying to Linux then you’ll probably want to change this to use the SSH.
  • WmqDeploymentTask task to create Queue Manager on your IBM MQ (see the task specification)
  • To configure Queue manager this task uses mqsc script that needs to be added to your deployment package.
    In this example you can find the script here: IBM_MQ_DEPLOY_QM_CONFIGURATION\wmq\mqsc\TestQM1\TEMPLATE\template.mqsc


How to use this project.

  1. Download the project to your desktop by clicking on one of the links. The file will be saved as
  2. Log into your RapidDeploy instance as mvadmin.
  3. Navigate to Resources -> Projects.
  4. In the top right hand corner click on the Upload Project button.
  5. Select the zip file you downloaded in step 1.
  6. You are guided through a project import wizard. The important thing to check and change (if necessary) here is the path to the project storage directory (you will need to check it in SCM Repository tab, Artifact Repository tab and File System tab). By default this will be ${MV_HOME}/projects/IBM_MQ_DEPLOY_QM_CONFIGURATION. Look at the example below:
    For example you are running RapidDeploy on Windows and your ${MV_HOME} is set to C:/MV_HOME/midvisionUsually all RapidDeploy projects are stored in the  MV_HOME\projects directory. After importing our project, if you noticed that Project Root Directory path on the  SCM Repository  tab is /rd/projects/IBM_MQ_DEPLOY_QM_CONFIGURATION,  then in this case you will need to change the path to C:\mv_home\midvision\projects\IBM_MQ_DEPLOY_QM_CONFIGURATION as it is shown here:

    Change paths in Artifact Repository and File System in similar way

  7. Once the project is imported, there are a couple of things you’ll need to do.
    • Firstly, you will need to change the server configuration. In order to do that navigate to Resources -> Targets -> Servers and find aws-wmq-windows-server (this is the name we used in our sample project). If you were following previous tutorial you already have this server but if not – edit this server, put correct Hostname  then navigate to the Transport tab and check if it is possible to connect to your remote Windows server by clicking Test connection.
      Note that Successful connection is mandatory to go further!
    • Secondly, navigate to  Resources -> Projects and edit the project. Navigate to the  Packages  tab and click the Create Package button. A new package is created with a version number. This is the package you’ll deploy later, containing all the environment definitions, actions and payload ( IBM_MQ_DEPLOY_QM_CONFIGURATION-0.0.1.jar ) to allow the jobs to be run on all defined servers
  8. Navigate to Project-> Targets Tab.
    • Select the Play button next to the target.
    • Select the package you want to deploy from the droplist.
    • Since there is only one package, it is preselected. The latest package will always be preselected by default.
    • Click on the  Yes  button in this dialog.
    • The deployment is started and you are taken to the running jobs panel where you see the tasks executed and job log in real time.